Tree Of Life Guided Meditation CD Sebek, “Aum Bam Gam Jam” 8th Sphere Of The Tree.

Sebek Aung Bang Gang Elimination of Negative Spiritual Forces
 Note:  The instructions needed for this CD has been recorded on the CD. The hekau is:
“Aung Bang Gang Jang Pang Shang Tua Aing Sebek.”
When in the CD you are told to “now meditate on your scenario,” visualize a situation in which you violate the spiritual principle described in the CD, and instead see your person acting in conformity with the truths advocated in the guided meditation. Breathing instructions:  You are always breathing through the nostrils. On the in-breath push out the lower abdomen, and on the out-breath gently pull it in. Never raise the chest on either portion of the breath.


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