MEN AB Kamitic Behavorial Transcendence Meditation Ra Un Nefer Amen

A Kamiticname for the forehead, location of the prefontal lobe, is khenti. A word that has tens ofassociations to Ausar, the foremost, and the highest. It is also the name for the Nubians; implications that they were the first to manifest the Ausarian teachings as a result of theforehead faculty. The Kabbalists call the forehead faculty the Ratzon upon which the Shekinah, the holy spirit, sits at the Sabbath. The forehead isalso the locus of the Ajna or the will chakra, residence of the mantra Aum.
Men Ab is a Kamitic (Ancient Egyptian) meditation system that activates and optimizes the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Men Ab will greatly enhance your preformance in school, the job, your career, financial endeavors, relationships, healing, art, self improvemant, success in your enterprises and spiritual quest due to the fact that the prefrontal cortex is in charge of planning, empathy, morality, perception of the future consequences and implications of your actions, and psychic and spiritual powers. The prefrontal cortex corresponds to the Ajna (third eye) chakra of Yogic Science and the khenti, the seat of man’s divinity in Kamitic spirituality.


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