The Neteru


Kamitic: Amen,Nu, Nut
Canaanite: Ain, Soph, El
Kabalistical: Ain, Soph
Yoruba: Olodumare, Olokun
Keynotes:(+) Knowledge of our essence, the essence of a thing, or undertaking;
(-) Ignorance of the knowledge of our essence.


Kamitic: Ausar, Tem
Canaanite: Metalron
Kabalistical: Kether
Yoruba: Obatala
Indus Kush: Tara
Sphere: 1st   Number:10   Gems: None
Planet: None  Day: All  Color: White        
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Aung
Planetary: none
Spiritual Direction; None
Time of the year: Sidereal full moon in Aquarius


Kamitic: Tehuti
Canaanite: Ratzi-El
Kabalistical: Chokmah
Yoruba: Ifa, Orunmila
Indus Kush: Chinnamasta
Sphere: 2nd    Plantet : Jupiter   Day: Thursday           
Color: Blue and white   Number: 8
Gems: Yellow sapphire, lapis lazuli
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Hung. Face Spiritual direction.
Planetary: Aung, grang, gring, graung
Spiritual Direction: South East.
Mundane Direction: West
Time of the year: Sidereal  full moon in Sagittarius



Kamitic: Sekhert, Ptah, Aummit, Khepere
Canaanite: Tzaphki-El, Ama, Aima
Kabalistical: Binah
Yoruba: Babalu Aye
Indus Kush: Kali
Sphere: 3rd   Planet: Saturn  Day: Saturnday
Color: Indigo, black   Number: 13
Gems & metals: Blue sapphire, onyx, lead
Hekau (words of power):
Spiritual: Kring
Planetary: Aung Prang Pring Praung (chant at midnight)
Spiritual Direction: East
Mundane Direction: Southwest
Time of year: Sidereal full moon in Capricorn & Aquarius                         


Kamitic: Maat, Seshat (Seshait, Sefkit Auhut)
Canaanite: Tzadki-El
Kabalistical: Gedulah, Chesed
Yoruba: Aje Chagullia
Indus Kush: Lakshmi
Sphere: 4th   Planet: Jupiter   
Day: Thursday   Number: 2
Gems & Metals: Yellow Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli, Tin
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Shring
Planetary: Aung, Grang, Gring, Graung
Spiritual Direction: Southeast
Mundane Direction: West
Time of the year: Sidereal full moon in Pisces


Kamitic: Herukhuti
Canaanite: Khama-El
Kabalistical: Geburah
Yoruba: Ogun
Indus Kush: Bagalamukhi
Sphere: 5th   Planet: Mars  
Day: Tuesday  clour: Blood red, Purple
Number: 11   Gems: Red Coral, Garnet
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Hlring
Planetary: Aung krang kring kraung
Spiritual Direction: North
Mundane Direction: Southeast
Time of the year: Sidereal full moon in Aries & Scorpio


Kamitic: Heru
Canaanite: Micha-El
Kabalistical: Tipareth   
Yoruba: Shango, Jakuta
Indus Kush: Bhuvaneshvari
Sphere: 6th   Planet: Sun  Day: Sunday
Color:Red & white  Number: 6  
Gems: Ruby, Garnet
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Hrim
Planetary: Aung hrang hring hraung


Kamitic: Het-heru
Canaanite: Hana-El
Kabalistical: Netzach
Yoruba: Oshun
Indus Kush: Kamalatmika
Sphere:7th   Planet: Venus  Day: Friday
Color: Green & yellow   Number: 5 
Gems: Diamond, Zircon (white, rose), White Coral
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Kling
Planetary: Aung drang dring draung
Spiritual Direction: Southwest
Mundane Direction: North
Time of the year: Sidereal full moon in Libra & Tarus 


Kamitic: Apuat, Anpu
Canaanite: Rapha-El
Kabalistical: Hod
Yoruba: Elegba, Eshu
Indus Kush: Matangi
Sphere: 8th    Planet: Mercury   
Day: Wednesday   Number: 3
Color: Saffron, red & black  
Gems: Emerald
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Aing
Planetary: Aung Brang Bring Braung
Spiritual Direction: Northeast
Mundane Direction: South
Time of the year: Sidereal full moon in Gemini & Virgo


Kamitic: Auset
Canaanite: Gabri-El
Kabalistical: Yesod
Yoruba: Yemaya
Indus Kush: Dhumavati
Sphere: 9th   Planet: Moon   
Day: Monday  Color: Sea blue
Number: 7  Gems:Pearls, Moonstone
Hekau (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Dhum,Vam
Planetary: Aung Shrang Shring Shraung
Spiritual Direction: East
Mundane: Northwest
Time of the year: Sidereal full moon in Cancer

10 GEB

Kamitic: Geb (Seb)
Canaanite: Sandalphon
Kabalistical: Malkuth
Indus Kush: Bhairavi
Sphere: 10th    Planet: Earth  Day: All
Hekau: (mantras, words of power):
Spiritual: Aush Hrauh (Ra’s heka)
Spiritual keynotes: Underlying Principles: Consisent adherence to the laws of health is absolutely necessary for spiritual development and success in life.

For a complete discourse and in-depth analysis of all of the Metu and more see the Metu Neter Volume 1 to 7 by Ra Un Nefer Amen

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