Sebek Who Dat
Most people fail to realize that in saying “I think,” and “I believe, “they are saying “I don’t know,” and therefore suffer from elevation of their thinking and believing to the status of knowledge, or wisdom even. The hekau and seeding on this CD help to quiet the thinking process to enable the presence and light of the Divine Self to be felt in the mind. The result is clarity of thinking, oratory, and scientific thing. The hekau is:
“Aung Aing Tuau Sebek.”
When in the CD you are told to “now meditate on your scenario,” visualize a situation in which you violate the spiritual principle described in the CD, and instead see your person acting in conformity with the truths advocated in the guided meditation. Breathing instructions: You are always breathing through the nostrils. On the in-breath push out the lower abdomen, and on the out-breath gently pull it in. Never raise the chest on either portion of the breath. The effects of this meditation can be enhanced by the use of the Sebek incense, Sebek essential oil blend, and spiritual bath. For more information read the corresponding material (see the index) in Metu Neter Volumes I and 2, and Tree of Life Meditation System.
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